Discover simple ways to keep your teeth and gums healthy while wearing braces. 

With the current situation happening across the globe, it’s now more important than ever that people are properly caring for their smiles. If you are currently wearing braces, our Port Orchard, WA, dentists Dr. Ronald Schoepflin and Dr. Scott Smith want you to understand how to properly care for your smile while wearing braces to prevent damaged braces, decay or other problems from happening.

Brush Often

While everyone should brush their teeth at least twice a day, if you have braces you will want to brush your teeth after every meal and snack. What happens if you’re on the go? Make sure to pack a travel kit that contains fluoride toothpaste and mini toothbrush, so you can brush after lunchtime. If you are unable to brush your teeth right away, you should at least rinse your mouth out with water and then brush as soon as you can.

Brushing Technique Matters 

Brushing with braces doesn’t have to be that challenging. While our Port Orchard, WA, family dentist will go through the steps on how to properly brush your teeth, you may need to a little refresher. Here are some tips to follow,

  • Take your time and do not rush brushing your teeth. You want to make sure you are cleaning all areas of your mouth.
  • Make sure that you are using a soft-bristled toothbrush that will be tough enough to clean your teeth but gentle enough on enamel and your braces.
  • Focus on cleaning each surface including the front and back of your teeth, as well as the tongue, cheeks and roof of your mouth.
  • Be gentle when brushing the gums.
  • Shiny braces are usually a sign that they are clean. Just to be on the safe side, examine your braces up close in a mirror to look for any spots you may have missed.

Flossing is Necessary

While brushing may seem like a no-brainer you may wonder if you’re supposed to floss your teeth. After all, there are wires in the way. However, flossing is just as important as brushing, especially when wearing braces. It’s the only way to remove food, bacteria and plaque from between teeth. Most people with braces choose to use a floss threader, which makes it a bit easier to get under the wires to clean between teeth. Make sure you are flossing once a day, ideally right before bed.

These simple everyday measures will help to keep your smile healthy throughout your orthodontic treatment. While our office is temporarily closed due to COVID-19, we are still treating patients in Port Orchard, WA, who are dealing with serious dental issues such as a toothache or broken braces. For dental emergencies please call Schoepflin Dental Excellence at (360) 871-2959.